Monday, July 2, 2012

You Damn Thief!!!

I hope that the title has grabbed your attention because I've got some bitchin' to do TODAY!

No, this isn't gonna be about Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman.  I'm sure I'll have something later on to vent about surrounding that case.

No, it's not even about some random fuckery.  Well, not in the realm of what we'd normally shake our heads.  But I just saw the sentencing article of Tanya McDowell and I am pissed!!!

So,'re telling this great fuckin' country, the land of milk n' honey....a HOMELESS mother, trying to give her child the start to something better gets arrested for providing a "fraudulent" address.  Uhhhh.....hello?  If she's homeless her address can be whatever the fuck she wants to be. So, because YOU know this is some bogus ass case - let's throw in selling narcotics for good measure. That will further make her punishable by law and we can put her away for sure.....GTFOH!

When we have Casey Anthony's, John & Patsy Ramsey's, Susan Smith's and all the other sick bastards that kill their children and neglect their children....really??? is this the answer we give to a mother doing the best she can with what she's got?   And my real question is:


I thought free education was a constitutional right.  No?  Not in this country?  Or maybe not in this county where she lives?  I understand that the school districts have "boundaries" and whatnot to prevent overcrowding and having enough resources for their students....I get that....but LARCENY?  for real?  This just doesn't seem real or even logical.

So, lets look at this scenario:
The Boy.  Let's say he's entering 2nd grade...*shrug*....yeah, lets go with 2nd grade....old enough to know better and old enough to make decisions, even if they are void of's say...his mom didn't let him go to school....but he's got that Matilda thing going on....knowing that school is out there....and he decides..."Hell, I'm going!", he's sneaking to school. Mom knows nothing about it. She's too busy doing other things, deviant and a matter of fact, she told him he couldn't go...because she wanted to "put him up" somewhere and tell him not to go anywhere while she goes and handle some business.

Yeah, you all know THAT happens very often, so don't even front like I'm reaching.

So, with mom out doing whatever it is that she's doing...he goes and sneaks off to school.  He's found out... Is HE then arrested for STEALING?

I know for sure, the mother will be arrested for NEGLECT, child endangerment...and all the other things but I bet she won't be charged with larceny.  hmmmmm????  Nor will he....everybody would applaud the child for going against the odds and seeking his little education and damning the mother to hell for not providing it.

So WHY is it stealing now?