Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rudy.... girl bye.....

I just got wind of this latest controversy (*gasp* I just realized I'm turning into a gossip blog! yiiikeess!!)  

Well..... whatever......I had to say something about this.....

So, Keshia Knight Pulliam tried to get up in her emotions and say that the pictures of her, caught by the paps,  training for the new competition swim/diving show "Splash" were "modified" to make her look unflattering.  Girl please....you need to stop it.  I lost so much respect for you Rudy for even going there.  Just stop.

The pictures were by no means "unflattering".  You were training. In a pool. Looking normal. As a matter of fact, you looked great for a sister that's been in chlorine for hours with wet hair!   GTFOH!  This ol' Baby Beyonce' tantrum is too much.  Really. Just stop.

You're trippin' on these pictures goes against your "inspiration" that you spoke of on Wendy Williams.  You spoke of not having African American female representation in the competitive diving arena and your organization is all about instilling purpose and drive in young women and this was an opportunity for you to be the example....but then you turn around on some ol' Hollywood vanity shit and claim foul on these pictures.  HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN???

Let me guess.... you wanted or expected to look like the promo pictures? 

I could go on and on about how you have just perpetuated the whole notion that if you don't look like the promo picture, which is OBVIOUSLY photoshopped, that you some how aren't beautiful.  Being a person that have developed an organization to  mentor young ladies, to empower them to believe in themselves and strengthen their confidence so they believe they're beautiful, however they come.... is SUCH a contradiction..... hypocritical even.  This is the stuff that make girls bulemic/anorexic, go get cement/fix-a-flat butt shots and spend thousands of dollars in plastic surgery....because celebrities....try to make it that they looks photoshopped all day, every day.....and you don't.  You are normal people just like us.....and US take "ugly" pictures sometimes. *shrug*

Yes, we all get snapped taking a picture that we don't like of ourselves....get caught in an "unflattering" angle or light.  We all get to see the picture first and we all have said, "uuuggghh girl...delete that one, take another one" - that's the normal natural "keeping it real" side of us who playfully want to be immortalized in the best way possible....but to go as far as to say...."it was edited" is pretty lame.  Shame on you.

All I'm saying is this, own up to the "ugly" pictures....so what!  You're human.....most of us mere mortals look at the ugly pictures after years passed and laugh like shit about how "ugly" they are.

Keep it real.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Vanilla Soul.....

Hey puddin'..... this post is totally random but hey, I'm back.

I just had to come and talk about this..... I had to tell somebody.... anybody.... 

Did you all watch the Grammy's..... and did you see Justin Timberlake's segment?  Performing his new joint, "Suit & Tie"?  Yeah, the one with Jay Z.....well the song that he did after Suit & Tie???  Yes!  That's my shit!!!

Didn't know the name of it but I found out today that it's, "Pusher Love Girl"..... oh emm gee!  

When I first heard, "Suit & Tie" I wasn't sure how I felt about it... I mean, I liked it....I was so glad to see JT was back doing music but then the video was all classic and whatnot - something I LOVE.... the whole sexy, black and white, old Hollywood glamour and mystery so I was sold.  But when he hit me with this "Pusher Love Girl" .....

Yesssss baby!
JT is BACK!!! 

I am such a fan of Justin.  He comes off as a real cool dude.  I could be wrong because I only know what I see, but he seems to be an upstanding character. His music has always been on point and most everything I've seen him in as an actor I've NJoyed.  Don't get me started on how much I LOVE his skits on SNL! hahahaha! He's hella funny.   I love that he is doing his "Grown Man" thing right now and I'm hoping that the rest of the 20/20 is as dope as what's "previewed" so far.

But before I finish this up....I had to put this out there.

Do you guys know about my sexy British Beefcake boyfriend, Daniel de Bourg?  No?  Whaaaatttt.... honey, get in to it!  Well, I had to include his YouTube because he RIPPED this song.... and it ain't even "out" yet!  um um ummm!!  Delicious!