Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's Friday!

Well hello beautiful people!

Yes, yes, yes!  We've made it to Friday and for that I am grateful.  It's pay day too.....

and the rents due.... 

hahahaha, yep..... that's pretty much what Friday's are like for me now.  Well, at least the first Friday of the month.  Looking back through the years, I noticed how "Friday" changed for me.

When I was a kid, I couldn't wait until Friday!! That meant I didn't have to get up early for school the next day.  I could possibly have friends sleepover or I could go sleepover at a friends house!!!  Friday's meant Saturday morning cartoons and my mom ALWAYS cooked a bomb ass breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. Yeeeeessss! Friday was the gateway to happiness!

Then in my "early twinkling twenties" I couldn't wait for Friday to come!  That meant I didn't have to get up early for work the next day...not that it mattered because I'd party  6 days a week and still go to work the next day. Fridays meant, I could possibly have a friend sleep over or sleep over at a friends (hehehehehe...)...Friday's meant taking the kids to my parents so I can go out and PARTTTTTTAY!  Friday's meant getting wasted and not worrying about trying to pull myself together because I could literally turn myself into a hermit crab and nurse my hangover.  And during this time...when I would move back to my parents....and didn't have rent... Friday's meant I was going SHOPPING!!! Woooo whoo!

Going into my late twenties - early 30's, Fridays meant....THANK GOD I don't have to come to work tomorrow to see these people anymore.  One more day of this bullshit and I'd be catching a case and ain't nobody got time for that.  Fridays meant the beginning of a weekend getaway to relax or it meant spending a day out with the kids so I can act juvenile enough to let out my stress.  Fridays meant that after work, I'd be finding me a good hard shot of some kind of alcohol, not to get drunk, but just to even unwind.... and friends don't spend the night much anymore....

Now at my age...Fridays mean I just need to get up out of bed before 10am because I have to get to the bank and post office before they I can come back home and do everything that I didn't have time to do during the week - laundry, cleaning: bathrooms, kitchen, carpets, washing my hair....Payday Friday, only means my phone will ring less because I was able to stuff a bill in somebody's mouth about the services I'm using....cable, pg & e, smud...... RENT.  hahahaha...

So yeah...., Friday's don't quite feel the same anymore.

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