Monday, April 22, 2013

"Iyanla - Fix my life...but make me look good"......

We will all have to face our demons, our vices and our excuses at some point in our lives.  Sometimes, its just before we close our eyes for the last time.   Each and every day you are blessed to walk, breathe and live on this side of the dirt, you know what those are.

So, let me just say this....because I may be biased in my opinion as it pertains to Iyanla Vanzant.  I have long followed her career and her teachings. I know that she is NOT the Bible.  HOWEVER, she doesn't profess to be and for anybody that should speak ill of her ways/her character - it's not about HER.  It's about you.  So let's be very clear.... if YOU think she thinks she's a certain do you know what SHE thinks?  Did you hear her declare it?  Similarly, when people crinkle their noses up at me and say..."She thinks she's cute."  Quite honestly, I don't  BUT obviously, you do!  *shrug*  I've learned a long time ago... you've gotta let people own their own trash.  Don't go rummaging through their filth.

What sparked me to write this blog is because recently, on Iyanla, Fix My Life - she met with DMX and Sheree Whitfield. If you had a chance to see it, you know these "interventions" didn't go so well.  DMX called her everything but a child of God and well, I didn't even bother to watch Sheree's episode.   I guess I'll have to watch it from DVR.  Today, I saw the headline that Sheree was very displeased with how she "looked" on the episode.  That she, like DMX, was "coerced" into the show under false pretenses.  DMX said that he agreed to do the show to help with his "addiction" to women.  Sheree said she'd do the show to help the "co-parenting" relationship with her estranged husband.

I'm sorry but how do you fix a thing if you don't know what's wrong?  So you have a problem with women, DMX and you wanted to know why? Don't be mad at her for showing you YOURSELF to help you see why.  Everything is cause and effect. You had a shitty childhood, with a wonderful Grandmother that loved you no matter what, fell in love with your wife and a drug problem....add a dash of celebrity and a shitload of money to the mix....sprinkled with groupies...and here you have your answer...BUT instead of ACKNOWLEDGING you wouldn't shut your mouth long enough to hear out your son.  Yeah, great job dad.  He's trying to tell you why HE feels the way he feels about you and all you can do is over talk him and tell him he's wrong for the way HE perceived his childhood with you.  Yep.  Golden star for listening.

As far as Ms. Sheree.... honey, the way you acted on you really think women would be eager to be apart of anything you put together?
"...Sheree’ is committed to empowering and inspiring single moms, divorced moms, and other women dealing with relationship and co-parenting issues. She is working on launching her own foundation which emphasizes the importance of emotional and physical wellness for all women..." (excerpt taken from Love B.Scott)
If you are afraid to be real with yourself and call foul when somebody tried to help you see YOUR ways, why would I believe anything you have to say?  I'm just saying, I'm not interested in any information that she would ever advise about relationships.  Now, her body was nice so if physical wellness is about looking good.... hey, sign me up!  But she need to stay in her lane.  You can't get it right with your own self so good luck with that venture.

I think what it boils down to with everybody running to Iyanla and then can't take the truth is because it truly is about SEEING WHO YOU REALLY ARE in the equation.  BEING HONEST with yourself.  You can lie to the world....but you really do yourself an extreme disservice.  Lying to yourself only make you defensive, on guard and ready to strike because you fear exposure.  That FEAR shows up as neglect, dishonesty, untrustworthy, drug abuse and bad relationships.... but they don't get that.

So, I  can only appreciate what Iyanla attempted to do for these people and anybody else that seeks her guidance but if you're not willing to do the work.... why bother?

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