Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just Letting it Flow.....


I'm back.  You guys, I'm really trying to kick my ass into gear cuz I'm getting older and even tho' I am THANKFUL....THANKFUL for my job, I'm bored out of my mind! There are a million and 8 things I'd rather be doing than being at work or at least....this work.  Alas, it is WHAT it is....and while I'm here................Imma just keep playing online and blogging, hoping I don't get caught....ooops! hold on a minute.....

*minimizing screen*

Ok....I'm back.  (<---- that's me living on the edge! The danger turns me on! hahahahaha!)

What???  I get my work done.  I just doesn't take a brain surgeon or all day to do the work I do.  *shrug*  What I do, does matter to somebody....but right now....for me.....the brighter side of this situation is that I've learned how to speed type and work this keyboard out!  hahahahahaha....hey, I'm always looking for the silver lining....

So yesterday, I was talking to my mom about this.....just venting about how I never thought I'd  I thought I'd be doing something else.  I want to do something else....and then she asked me "what do you want to do"?  I wish I could write.  That's what I want to do.  I want my words and ideas to reach hundreds, thousands...millions of people.  That's what I do...That's what I like. I wanna be "somebody".  I wanna be "important"!
I'll be glad when I can start writing again....when I'm at home!  I won't have to sneak around, like I'm hiding my lover, hoping not to get caught by "THE MAN".  hahahaha!

I can just be free and let the words, thoughts and images flow....just let it flow....

Speaking of flow....

Did y'all see the pictures of Christina Aguilera at Etta James' funeral?

No bueno.

Now, this is where I climb up on my soapbox.  I couldn't have been more disgusted with what the media (reporters, photogs, news channels) felt was newsworthy for the day.

*grabbing my step stool*

First of all, that was suppose to be ALL ABOUT ETTA! I'm a bit pissed she didn't get the fanfare/farewell, I think....she deserved!

Secondly, Christina sang THEE hell out of "At Last"!  Y'all can say whatever y'all wanna say....but that girl's got pipes! And for a moment I did think...."she over singing this song"....but she can sing.....let's talk about that!

Thirdly,.......what?......oh...I haven't told y'all what I'm bitchin' about, huh?  Well, it appears that Christina had a female accident while she was on stage.  Aunt Flow was running right on down her legs.  Yeah, looked like a massacre....but a female....the shit happens to the best of us!  I would have been mortified....which I know she was.....but damn!  Do we need news articles about it???  In response, to all the buzz...her people said it was spray on tanner that was streaking down....but look at my face....--->

*get oddah here*

It just REALLY grinds my gears that if it's not murder, some world destruction, Beyonce's baby or now....a menstrual mishap it ain't news.  I'm glad I have the freedom of expression....otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this right now....but really??  I wanna hear about her period?  I've got my own to keep up with....who gives a fat rat's ass that she didn't get the ones with wings!

OMG! hahahahahaha! Sorry, Chris....but "They're all gonna laugh at you! They're all gonna laugh at you!"  is so loud in my head right now.

Ok ok....*focus*..... what I'm saying is.....why do we care? Isn't this an election year? Shouldn't we be concerned about making an informed decision with our Presidential vote? Shouldn't we be concerned with the good news of the day....or what changes can we make or help to make in our communities? Maybe it's just me....maybe I'm just fed up for myself....cuz obviously it's an audience for this shit....otherwise, it wouldn't be news, right?

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