Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oh!!! Shut the hell up....damn!

Hey yall!
I'm really trying to get back into my blogs, writing and whatever.....gotta exercise my skill to keep it fresh, so it'll be easy to get that novel done one day. You know what they say, "Use it or lose it". Yeah, so I've got that sweet jewelry blog doing it's thing over there - with one amazing follower....just like this one...AND! It's not the same person, ha!....HELL YEAH! That's what's up....a lil' bit.

I didn't want to have all these blogs going on but I can't vent over there or talk about just random thoughts I is! So listen....

Well, needed to get some shit off my chest. I have been watching and listening....and everything....and finally, I'm just pretty much over it. I don't know what else to do or who I can talk to about it....but I have officially taken all I can take and I can't takes NO MO!

I'm SICK AND TIRED OF NATURAL HAIR videos, blogs, journeys, length checks....and all things associated with rocking natural hair! *exhale* These heifahs jumping in showers fully dressed just to wet their hair to show "us" how long their hair has grown in 10 days....
"Look what I look like with 2 strand twists"...."look at my 2 strand twist out"! Blah! Blah! Blah!

So frikkin' what, dude! Who gives a shit? And honestly....after a couple of days and depending on how nappy your hair is....2 strands or all looks the same. really does.

There, I said got a problem?

I mean, don't get me wrong. I was excited to go natural but the shit scared the daylights out of me if I could be so honest. I hadn't seen my "natural hair" since 3rd grade and now....what....8 years in...maybe a little bit longer....I'm liberated from scalp burns, expensive ass weaves and bad hair I get's a wonderful feeling. And yes, I do encourage my friends that want to do the natural thing....I say, "Girl, go for it"! I'm just done with the whole nappy headed "intellectualization" (what? You've never heard that word before?) ! I've had long hair, short hair, straight hair, weaved hair, braided hair, natural hair, afro hair, permed hair....I've done it all. It's not that serious....

I've watched these videos and yes....I've learned some homemade concoctions and some hairstyles that I think are fly....but for the most part....WHATS THE BIG DEAL? A lot of them talk like they have a doctorate in this shit....and they don't. Why???? ITS JUST FUCKING HAIR!!! Geesh! I can't tell you how many videos I've seen where they've mispronounced words trying to sound all official...hahahaha....or they're trying to give reviews or whatever and they just make no sense; just sitting there, rambling about nothing.....oh! and then you've got the clit suckahs that stay riding the bra strap of the more popular natural "queens"....hahahaha *throwin' a shoe* get oddah here!! hahaha!

But what I've noticed.....they all have one goal...."look how long my hair is" *smh*
Are we still stuck on that??? I thought we stopped putting bath towels on our heads pretending to have long cascading hair like when we were 5 years old. No? We still aspire for long flowing hair? Okay, so you're not perming your hair, taking better care of it and you've let it grows even after your dead, what? I think somewhere...inside...amongst all the pomades and jojoba oils some of y'all still....STILL define beauty to a European standard. WHO ever said hair had to be long to be beautiful?

I think when I really got fed up with this whole thing....I watched a video of a "guru", I've seen her videos before....and her hair has grown A LOT since the first time I've seen her...beautiful healthy hair....but she is annoying as fuck! There's nothing I want to learn from her because she's sue me. *shrug* But I landed back up on her youtube....and I noticed how "refined" she had become.....hahahaha and I tried hard to find a video of her way back when....found one....and booooyyy....hear me when I tell you.....YouTube is breeding Kardashians! (that would imply creating "celebrities" out of popularity, not talent). Then! This is what sent me into a frenzy... as a suggested video somebody did a video why this trick was better than "us". HAHAHAHAHA! What?? *throwing my other shoe* Get oddah here!

ooohhhh boy....and there is so much drama with these nappy headed's too much. I just sit back and watch them throw stones at each other. Oh so what! Cat fights are highly entertaining! But you know - it just further makes me question will African American people....more specifically - AfAm. women always find a reason to hate each other? Will we always measure ourselves to others? When do we just say..."hey, she's fly...I like her style" without downing ourselves or picking sides? If she's rocking a good weave and lathering no lye relaxer all over her body like lotion....and she looks good....why can't she be just as good as or as beautiful as Miss Olive Oil and flax seeds?

Look, I'm trying not to be a hypocrite about this whole subject....cuz there are some other issues I have with this whole natural vs. chemicals that I need to discuss later. I mean, at one point I thought long hair made you prettier too (hey, I had serious esteem issues when I was growing up)....and before I went natural, a bad hair day sent me spiraling down into the bowels of hell! However, truth be told, no matter what length your hair matter what texture it is....if you're fucked up on the inside....I really don't care how it looks on the outside and up top.

So get over it!

To think, all this fuss....and it's ONLY HAIR.

Oh, by the way.....Quote Me If You Like....

*S/N....just in case you're wondering.....I have locs....nearly to my waist. When wet!* hahahahahaha!

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