Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I Believe The Children Are The.....Odd Future

Greetings and salutations!

My daughter asked me to write this blog to give my take on Odd Future & Tyler the Creator.


She wanted me to get on my soapbox (that you all know I love to climb on) and give my honest, deepest thoughts about this young rap group, who she LOVES. No seriously, she thinks they are the best thing since the invention of toilet paper. I have no idea how she even discovered this clique but once she did, I think I've heard more about fuckin' dolphins and raping blow up dolls than I care to know. it is.

{{ PAUSE}}

Yes, I think they're talented. *hanging my head low*

And I even like some of their shit. *hanging my head R E A L low*

Okay, here's the deal. As an author and a poet (tho' I haven't written much lately) I love language, imagination and WHOLEHEARTEDLY support freedom of speech. When I first heard anything from this group, I think it had to be one of their songs called "Goblin"....and yeah...the beats....the music had me. I wasn't really sure what the hell he was talking about but the tone of his voice was cool. Who is he....Tyler the Creator. Yeah.....this guy. ---->

I'm gathering he's the ring leader of their foolishness and if not, he definitely is the more outspoken in the interviews and definitely in his "expression" of imagination.

I you hear me? HATED everything Tyler the Creator, Odd Future, Frank Ocean and whatever else was seeping out their lyrics, spilling into my kids. The stuff they were saying and their thoughts were just out of line. So much so, I put my daughter in therapy. She was talking about raping dolphins and sticking fingers in people's asshole and drinking ram's blood. WTF?! She was even dropping "friends" that didn't like their music. *smh*

S/N: She didn't go into therapy because of them....but I really think when she found her voice in their music....she let it all hang out...and I had to reel her back in.

Every single time my kids got in the car they played their one day....(and yes, here is well I tell my dirty little secret) day....I was driving to the grocery store....and they left their cd in my car.....I took that shit, squeezed it in my fist and chunk the bits out the fuckin' window! (I got flows too)! So yeah, I know yall reading now you know!

So when I finally got them to calm down over the music and I guess time does heal all wounds (hahaha they were so devastated when they couldn't find their cd! hahahaha)....I finally listened. And it wasn't half bad. I'm a parent but shit, I ain't old!! And maybe it's not the content that I like....but the music, the beats....I dig.
Besides, with a few of the "big" names in the music industry, who are packaged to entertain more than I THINK their "talent" upholds *Cough!*Drake*Cough! Cough!* ....ahem.....This group ain't hurtin' anybody. Just a bunch of kids....acting a fuckin' fool....doing what kids do....*shrug* I just don't think they need to be so controversial or "out there" to make waves....because I actually think they're on to something.

And now that I've admitted, that I can tolerate their shananigans to enjoy their makes me sad. Not sad because I wanted so badly to take them all...line 'em all up and whoop ASS....but sad because there are no more FATHERS MAKING BABY BOYS to carry on the last name....HIP HOP.

What did I lose you?

Ha! I figured I would. So sit down. Let me 'splain it to you, Lucy!

Ok....check it:

Everybody knows that....well, it's at least customary that the male child carry on the family name. When he's married, the woman will then, too...inherit that name. It is the FAMILY name. Even when a woman assumes her husband's last name, for identity purposes, MANY places...most legal documents and forms, require her maiden name....again....taking it back to her father's name. Hell, even the most asked piece of verbal identity, "What's your mother's maiden name". Family names are the shit....solid and forever.

When Hip Hop was born.....Music had a MALE child.
Over time, as we watched Hip Hop grow up and marry a few rock, jazz....even stayed...Hip Hop. Early on, it fathered many male children....with songs and artists like, "Walk This Way"(Run DMC) , "Don't Believe The Hype" (Public Enemy) and "Check The Technique" (Gang Starr), maaaaannnn...I could go on and on....but like time has gone on....girls are being born. And we all know...when she get married, she's gonna take on another name....then she goes on to birth more girls...and they birth more girls.......perpetuating the dilution of HIP HOP....straying further away from the strength of the family name. *smh*

Half the shit we listen to is so BITCH MADE, you can't even call it Hip Hop. Seriously, you know how it is at family reunions, when those 4th removed cousins show up. They know absolutely nothing about the family history but after they see the greatness and POWER of the family name - now they wanna claim it. hahahaha....C'mon KNOW how that is....we all have 'em in the family. They don't even resemble the family any more...they don't carry themselves like those with the thicker bloodline. But yet, they're running around...."I'm [insert family name]"....but those truly rooted in the bloodline, are like..."whatever. No, I'm [insert family name]...You're [insert whatever]". Truth be told, if we keep going at the rate we're going, there won't be any blood left in the line...

Just as it is with Hip Hop. We have all these artists, claiming to be hip hop....but they're not. I don't know what they are...but they ain't hip hop. I was there...I grew up next door to him. I used to talk to 'em on my front porch, invited 'em to sleepovers....I know Hip Hop!
I know when my kids get to be my age and older....the shit they listen to now....who's gonna want to put on Soulja Boy, Lil Wayne, Nikki Minaj, Big Sean.....and whatever else is hot right now??
NOBODY!! Nobody in their right gotdamn mind is gonna be supermanning that hoe or giving two shits about what shade of pink will Friday be on Monday. But I can guarantee....and promise you.....put on "Self Destruction", "Me, Myself and I" or better yet...muthafuckin' "Rapper's Delight" or "The Message" and watch the party start.
THOSE are male children, still strong and rich in the bloodline. They will carry on for generations and people will always recognize them. People who may not have even had a personal relationship with 'em, will be able to just look them in the face and know the family name..."oh, that's Hip Hop". I mean, I know for me....and my family.....folks can tell...."Oh, you're a Creswell or you're a Cooks". Yep". All day, every day. But this shit today, what they're selling us called folks asking...."Who yo daddy is"?
So, while I think Odd Future is holding their own, minus their fuckery (which sometimes is actually pretty damn funny)....more girls have been born.
With this being today sucks donkey balls...
And of know how I feel about what I've said. Go a'head...

quote me if you like.....

1 comment:

  1. I Really enjoyed today's Lesson!

    I too Know Hip-Hop as it was... Alot of it out here is questionable - I still try to stay current - but as you stated "Their Fuckery" is sometimes off setting.

    Nonetheless, today's youth has to be able to express themselves as we did in our day.

    Sometimes we do have to Listen to what Our Children are listening to to stay current & aware about what's going on in their lives.

    You're also correct about The Fatherless Son's and their daughters for that matter! No one is Raising them in The way that they should Grow or Go for that Matter -

    Most people feel like they (today's Youth) are too hard-headed and too far gone to be reeled back in -

    It still takes a village to raise a child and the Youth are raising themselves these days :(
