Thursday, March 1, 2012


It's not nice to call somebody a dumb ass to their face, right?  Well, I guess I'll do it more privately and post it up on the internet:

Really???  Really?

Like what was the motivation behind this?  I guess he gives the meaning to "Put your money where your mouth is"? But doesn't that mean being wholly invested in a cause....a full support???  So what the hell is he supporting?  DUMBFUCKOLOGY???  He CAN NOT have any desire to be more than what he is....and I'm hoping whatever that IS does not include the title "father".  *smh*

Oh go straight to hell with me if you think I'm passing judgement.  I think it's p r e t t y fucking safe to say...this jackass is an i'gnant sommomobatch.... If being prejudice or racially profiling should ever exist, here is the reason why! He alone set back ANY advancement of colored people.   I have tattoos (LOTS OF 'EM) but I also have a job!  Why? Because as a person with ambition and desire to support myself and my family, I have the brain to understand that my personal life should never spill over into my professional life.  WHERE IS HIS MAMA??

I mean, to each his own but some shit is just ridiculous....and painfully permanent.  When he walked into the tattoo shop.....or sat down at the kitchen table to "consult with his tattoo dude"....the tattoo dude didn't think for one second to say....."yo, that's not a good look"?  No?  I'm not my brother's keeper, huh?  None of that, right?

As a person, that love tattoos and all things ART.....I find this extremely disturbing.  Like I wanna really just go up to him and slap the shit outta him!!!  I wanna slap him to where my fingertips sting, throb and feel all prickly. I wanted to help him by saying...this was his first tattoo....but OBVIOUSLY....this isn't his first tattoo.  I'm willing to say.....maybe our first tattoos aren't the most thought out tattoo. We're just excited to finally get inked.   That's fair right?  I mean, I know my first tattoo....pretty good quality...but it's a heart and a rose with MY name in a banner. Yeah, like I'm gonna forget my name, right?  Wasn't the brightest....and I can admit that.  But it's also not BLAZING for all to see the capacity of my 18 year old imagination.  I've grown up since then.....give me some credit.

So here's my public service announcement:

"Hey, you!  Dumbass!  Check this out....Before you go to Lil Skeet up the block, that just got outta juvy to get your tattoo, make sure that mothafucka knows what he's doing....and remember one day, you may not like Sponge Bob, Captain America, or even your baby mama/baby daddy.  Yes, it's permanent.....much like your spot in the unemployment line because you inked "FREE MY N*GGA BOOSIE* on your forehead.  I wish I could tell you that your tattoo dude has your best interest but if you're only paying $20 - chances are.....he just wants your money and don't give a shit about this commitment.  You really do get what you pay at least pay attention to the implications of what this masterpiece can hold in the future.  But hey....who am I? *shrug*  Yo' dumbass is gonna do what you wanna do....YOLO!"

Bet they're not feeling the love right about now!
 No matter how we slice it....dumb is fucking dumb is fucking dumb...

So, have we learned anything boys and girls???
oh......quote me if you like.....