Friday, January 25, 2013

Secure the crime scene and plant this evidence!

You.  Are. Out. Of. Your. Fuckin'. Mind.

Oh, sorry.  Happy Friday and Thank God I made it.

So today's fuckery is sponsored by Pro-Lifers in New Mexico and Medical Personnel Fuckups in NY.

Ok..... so, we've gotta  e a s e  our way into the heaps of bullshit today....cuz these two situations are unbelievable.  No....seriously.  This is stuff you wonder if you're being punked or caught in a nightmare.

Lets move on to this "Tampering With Evidence" in New Mexico.

This morning, an article headline pops up in my newsfeed "New Mexico Lawmakers Say Abortions After Rape Are Criminal For Tampering With Evidence?!" (For details)

This can NOT be serious.  On what level and HOW much CRACK do you smoke that you would ever - EVER think this is acceptable, comprehensible and human???  You mean to tell me, that you would pass a law that would prevent a 10 year old, who's been raped from aborting a pregnancy?  You mean to tell me, that you would FORCE this child to endure continuous mental and physical torture by having to carry her abusers child to term?


This is definitely the works of that group that said that women are "magical creatures" and are able to shut off their eggs in times of rape so that pregnancy can't/won't happen.....and this is also the group that said some rapes are "legitimate" (of course, some of y'all get raped and you know you want it) .... and it's gotta be that same group that said that a woman is pregnant 2 weeks before she even gets raped...I mean,, raped....oh hell!...the chicken came first, dammit!!  

So basically ladies, according to them.... if you want an abortion....for whatever reason and progression of your matter how young or abused you are.... you're fucked from the time you start bleeding!  Which in my case, since age 9.   Thank God, I wasn't raped then!  I didn't even know what was going on with my vajayjay with something so natural as a menstrual flow so how the hell would they expect me to know how to turn on my supernatural pussy powers???!!

My fear with this whole pro-life and pro-choice debate is that these pro-lifers are so passionate about their beliefs....or is it really desperation at this point....but my fear is that, there are people out fast and hard about what they believe....and so many covert operations in our government.....and these passionate people are in our government, that when passion and desperation meet.....WAR happens and the civilians are always the losers.  Now their debate or "their tactic" to stop abortions is so far from their original argument...:"Life begins at conception"'s just ridiculous....desperate and quite honestly, I've lost respect for their platform.  Now you want to criminalize the victim.  Shame on you.

I support passion.  I respect passionate people.  "Life begins at conception".....that's simple.  Clear....and debateable.  I can get behind that. I can even SUPPORT that. I'll hear you out about that....but, you're just grasping for straws.  *smh*

I can go on and on about that....but I'm going to wait this one out.....I'm curious how the debates will go.

*deep breath.....exhale*

So let's move on to NY trying to infect their population with HIV.....and from what I've read, this wasn't the first time they've exposed hundreds of people to the virus (including Hep B & C). (Read Here for more details)

How much do you want to bet, somebody will touch it ...just to make sure?

I don't even know where I'm going to go with my rant about this - I mean how many ways from Sunday can you call people stupid, dumbass, idiots and fuck-ups......I mean, OSHA and CDC have clear cut regulations for patient care procedures that should be followed.  They didn't just sit up and write all this stuff up because they felt like it!  Procedures guidelines are developed to prevent shit from happening because it's necessary!

Have you ever noticed a warning label on an item and thought to yourself...."Duh!"...."This is the dumbest warning"....."why would they put that on there"'s because it's's because some DUMBASS (at least 5 of ' pick up a trend) that did the very thing that they have to tell you NOT to do.  *smh*  so imagine....5 little dumbasses sitting in a tree, teasing Mr. Alligator....too bad they didn't read the trees warning label.

So when you're in a hospital setting....these guidelines should be followed exactly because of that....because somebody (-ies) did it wrong.  It is NO secret that any equipment that has pierced a person's puncture or sterile, disposable or autoclave PROPERLY.....WHY would these people NOT change the needles....or by God....label and store them for the use of THAT individual patient for later use from that SAME patient????  I mean, this isn't even worth discussing because this is just blatant disregard to treating patients properly, mandated regulations and pure laziness.  Now for the rest of their lives these people will wonder "Do I have it"?  Have you ever waited 2 weeks for test results.....the longest 2 weeks in your the rapid results....the longest rapid 20 minutes in your life.....imagine your WHOLE rest of your life....  Just horrible....*smh*

For information on HIV & AIDS ---> Click Here
For information on Hep B --->Click Here
For information on Hep C ---> Click Here

Well....that's all Imma bitch about today.....I'm gonna ease on down the road and read all warning labels on my way to OZ.

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