Monday, January 28, 2013

You betta back it up!!! Back it up!!!

Happy Monday!!!

Soooo, apparently....the Cleveland Bus Driver have a brother in Atlanta.

Yall, hoes gon' learn! Quit flexin' on men unless you want to smell what the Rock is cookin'!

If you're interested in watching the fuckery, by all means,
*courtesy of World Star HipHop

Go, 'head....I'll wait.

Ok.... let me start by saying, I don't - DO NOT - condone men being physically, mentally or emotionally abusive to women.....BUT....I don't condone that shit from women to men either.  So with that being said.....I don't feel sorry for her AT ALL....

What was your lasting (almost nagging) message from this video??  For me, I can't get out of my head "Back it up!  Back it up!  Getcha kids! Get your children!  Back it up!"

How many fuckin' times did he have to tell her?  She chose not to listen.  She wanted to act an ass....she and her homegirl.  Which, by the way might I add...after the security guard served that electric current shot of patron straight to that ass....she got awfully quiet!


Yeah, I thought so......back it up!

So here's what I find wrong in this video.  No, not the security guard. He was the last thing that was wrong.  Now, granted - I don't know exactly what happened prior to the recording. I'm under the impression he must have said something to the kids.  So my theory is that she and ol' girl must have been on a baby daddy hunt and she found him, kickin' it with his homeboys....of course, this is unacceptable to the skank at she and that classroom of kids more than likely started acting foolish, flexin' up on him and the kids (who obviously are eager participants of ratchetry) were being a nuisance, in front of the business that he is paid to "secure".

She then got up in her emotions.....because 1.) Baby Daddy obviously ain't paying her no mind, feelings hurt by that, 2.) just got checked by security so her feelings got hurt by that - how dare he embarrass her in front of her baby daddy, and 3.) save face! She's gotta show everybody that's witnessed this spectacle how "she ain't the one to be fucked with".

And that my friends is the recipe for a nigga moment: When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong.

I bet you're wondering how "baby daddy" factored into this.  Well, look at the footage.  The whole time this chick is out here acting a damn fool.  Where is he??  He not once came to defuse the situation...or even come to "defend her honor".  Why?  Because he wanted her to go away and he thought with the "authority" of the security guard....she would.  Therefore, I gathered, not only because he claimed them like tax exemptions in the end but also how quickly this sucka stepped up to bang his bird chest like King Kong. He was cool with the pushing and shoving and the security talking hard....but you don' struck lightenin' thru her ass....the hell if I will take these damn don' lost yo damn mind!

I'm laughed HELLA hard when she got tasered  but this really did make me feel bad for the babies.  These people are parents?  Are these the teachings we really want to pass to the kids? (rhetorical, I know)  "You gay!" "You gay".....he couldn't have been no more than 4.  What does he even know about "gay" and why is that an insult? So, later in life if his willy stands up for Billy and not he's filled with shame...and mixing shame with anger (cuz, she was doing a great lesson on how to be angry).... he's gonna just be a menace to society like his mama. *smh*....Kids learn by example....this is just not's REAL!   *smh*  Lord, help us all.

So my message to you ladies (and I know you've heard this before) but if you want to be respected - you've got to respect yourself. IF you decide to hit a man, be prepared to be hit back BY a man. And for the love of all things holy, when you are in front of your children REMEMBER these kids are like sponges...they will absorb everything around them....including this kind of bullshit.....*smh*.....if you don't want anything better for least want better for the babies.

So let this be a lesson to ALL you ratchet ass keeping it real ass uppercut or electricity

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