Monday, July 2, 2012

You Damn Thief!!!

I hope that the title has grabbed your attention because I've got some bitchin' to do TODAY!

No, this isn't gonna be about Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman.  I'm sure I'll have something later on to vent about surrounding that case.

No, it's not even about some random fuckery.  Well, not in the realm of what we'd normally shake our heads.  But I just saw the sentencing article of Tanya McDowell and I am pissed!!!

So,'re telling this great fuckin' country, the land of milk n' honey....a HOMELESS mother, trying to give her child the start to something better gets arrested for providing a "fraudulent" address.  Uhhhh.....hello?  If she's homeless her address can be whatever the fuck she wants to be. So, because YOU know this is some bogus ass case - let's throw in selling narcotics for good measure. That will further make her punishable by law and we can put her away for sure.....GTFOH!

When we have Casey Anthony's, John & Patsy Ramsey's, Susan Smith's and all the other sick bastards that kill their children and neglect their children....really??? is this the answer we give to a mother doing the best she can with what she's got?   And my real question is:


I thought free education was a constitutional right.  No?  Not in this country?  Or maybe not in this county where she lives?  I understand that the school districts have "boundaries" and whatnot to prevent overcrowding and having enough resources for their students....I get that....but LARCENY?  for real?  This just doesn't seem real or even logical.

So, lets look at this scenario:
The Boy.  Let's say he's entering 2nd grade...*shrug*....yeah, lets go with 2nd grade....old enough to know better and old enough to make decisions, even if they are void of's say...his mom didn't let him go to school....but he's got that Matilda thing going on....knowing that school is out there....and he decides..."Hell, I'm going!", he's sneaking to school. Mom knows nothing about it. She's too busy doing other things, deviant and a matter of fact, she told him he couldn't go...because she wanted to "put him up" somewhere and tell him not to go anywhere while she goes and handle some business.

Yeah, you all know THAT happens very often, so don't even front like I'm reaching.

So, with mom out doing whatever it is that she's doing...he goes and sneaks off to school.  He's found out... Is HE then arrested for STEALING?

I know for sure, the mother will be arrested for NEGLECT, child endangerment...and all the other things but I bet she won't be charged with larceny.  hmmmmm????  Nor will he....everybody would applaud the child for going against the odds and seeking his little education and damning the mother to hell for not providing it.

So WHY is it stealing now?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Locked and Loaded

Yeah I know it's been a while since my last blog.  I've been running around like crazy. Just trying to keep up with everything I'm responsible for.  It seems that since this grand annual "springing forward" event I haven't been able to get much sleep or have enough hours in the day to do everything that need to be done.  I wonder why that is?  There are still 24 hours in the day, what happened??

Anyway, that's not why I'm here today.

Many of you, unless you just landed on this planet or crawled from under a rock, have heard about and are aware of the Trayvon Martin case.  I'm particularly invested in keeping up with this case because I have a son.  My son could have been son CAN be "Trayvon".

So, as the story goes - George Zimmerman - who apparently appointed himself neighborhood watch leader, was "patrolling" on the night of February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. It was dark out, raining from what I've read.....and GZ was keeping watch.  He sees Trayvon walking back from the convenient store and immediately he went on alert that Trayvon was "suspicious" and "up to no good" and vehemently kept his eyes on him.  He said (as recorded on the 9-11 call) that there had been some break-ins recently in the area.  Okay.  Fair enough, George, but that's where it ends for me to understand or accept ANYTHING that came out of your from this point forward.

Now, he's watching Trayvon and Trayvon is watching him.  Why?  Because this kid was out at night and I'm sure his parents told him to be careful.  It's just something parents do, you know.  And I'm sure Trayvon was taught to be aware of his surroundings, so yeah - he notices a "suspicious" ADULT male who appear to be "up to no good" following him!  Smart thinking on Trayvon's part to call a friend to have "a witness" of what he was going through.  I wish Trayvon had called his dad, tho'....just a few yards away from home.....he could have come outside for Trayvon.  :-(

Well, sadly that didn't happen.  GZ was "doing his part" of vigilante and Trayvon was "doing his part" of a scared kid.  Human nature comes equipt with "fight or flight" know, survival of the fittest.

I don't think GZ premeditated "hunting" Trayvon.  I think he, amongst many other non-Black citizens of this country, are "taught" things about Blacks, that just become part of who they are and they act accordingly.  Even as a Black female, however - I have to admit....there are times I've been in situations and "assumed" that things would turn out a certain way, simply because of "Black" representation.  So can we really be surprised GZ acted this way?  Hardly not.

BUT LET THIS BE A LESSON TO SOCIETY..... STOP CRIMINALIZING BLACK PEOPLE. WHEN WE STOP PERPETUATING STEREOTYPES AND START TEACHING EQUALITY and SAMENESS, SITUATIONS LIKE THIS WOULD STOP.  Sure, there will prejudices....back to "fight of flight" individuals....we tend to size up the situation, make our perceptions, then act.....but I believe  If a person is shifty and sketch.......they should be just "shifty" and "sketch" based on their behavior and not just because of the color of their skin. Does that make sense?

He continued to pursue Trayvon even after the 9-11 dispatcher told him to back off.  So who's the agressor here?  Definitely not Trayvon....he's in survival mode. George is in hunter mode.  So, Trayvon decided to "stand his ground".  He asks GZ, "Why are you following me".  GZ asks him what he's up to, which by the way, is none of his business. GZ was NOT a law enforcement officer!  There was a reported altercation, as I could imagine and here is where the crime happens.   GZ pulls out his gun and shoots Trayvon, dead.  Unarmed and innocent of anything GZ wanted to accuse him of.

Meanwhile, the residents of this community are calling 9-11 because "somebody" is screaming for help.  The backgrounds of these calls record the sounds of blood curdling screams for help and gun shots.....then silence.  GZ admits he is the shooter but it was in self defense.

I ask you.....and I beg of you to help me is it self defense when the cries of this child are abruptly cut off by the sounds of gunfire? It would appear to me that if GZ was the one screaming for help (because that is what he said - that it was his voice on the recordings)....that if it were him...even if he shot in self defense.....why was it so quiet after the gun went off? Was he basking in the glow of vengeance, blowing the smoke from his barrel or stuck in shock?  From the video tapes.  He didn't look to be suffering from shock at all.  He walked with the police, almost smug....confident.....and completely absolved with what he had just done.  Committed murder.

There are so many things wrong with this case and many people are outraged.  AS WE SHOULD BE. This case is more than a snag in any advancement with equality, improving relations between races and faith in our judicial systems.  If he gets away with this, it is my fear that I may as well, sew bullseyes on the back of all my son's shirts and jackets.  Don't get me wrong, I don't think it has anything to do with Trayvon being black......but it has EVERYTHING to do with him being black.  What would have happened if he were the shooter?  It has been the experience of Black people in this country that we are NOT innocent until proven guilty but that we are guilty and we better prove we're innocent.  *shrug* It just is what it is....and we live with that.  They started to report things about Trayvon that was SO IRRELEVANT which made me more and more angry.  They tried so hard to try and build this picture and image of Trayvon, I guess in a desperate attempt to....what? say that he deserved to be killed or that he was asking to be killed....I'm sorry....I'm still really confused about that.  Even if he was a bad ass - did he deserve to be profiled? No. Hunted? No.  Killed???  HELL NO!

GZ wasn't arrested and has been hiding behind the "stand your ground" law in Florida.  Which in itself is dumb as hell of a law!  Was not Trayvon protect by this same law??? One of the writer's of this law said that this incident was not the kind of event that would protect GZ under the parameters.  Why wasn't he arrested then?  GZ's father's news interview contradicted EVERY thing that GZ said had happened. You the end of the day I just want to believe, some greater force....bigger than you and me.....gave US this time....for some of us to reflect on how we present ourselves as people publically....hopefully this was a wake up call for judicial equality....maybe this is the straw that breaks the camel's back.....BUT THERE NEED TO BE CHANGE.

As of today, April 11, 2011 - just moments ago, George Zimmerman has been taken into custody!!!!   So if you're innocent George, you have nothing to fear....right?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I Believe The Children Are The.....Odd Future

Greetings and salutations!

My daughter asked me to write this blog to give my take on Odd Future & Tyler the Creator.


She wanted me to get on my soapbox (that you all know I love to climb on) and give my honest, deepest thoughts about this young rap group, who she LOVES. No seriously, she thinks they are the best thing since the invention of toilet paper. I have no idea how she even discovered this clique but once she did, I think I've heard more about fuckin' dolphins and raping blow up dolls than I care to know. it is.

{{ PAUSE}}

Yes, I think they're talented. *hanging my head low*

And I even like some of their shit. *hanging my head R E A L low*

Okay, here's the deal. As an author and a poet (tho' I haven't written much lately) I love language, imagination and WHOLEHEARTEDLY support freedom of speech. When I first heard anything from this group, I think it had to be one of their songs called "Goblin"....and yeah...the beats....the music had me. I wasn't really sure what the hell he was talking about but the tone of his voice was cool. Who is he....Tyler the Creator. Yeah.....this guy. ---->

I'm gathering he's the ring leader of their foolishness and if not, he definitely is the more outspoken in the interviews and definitely in his "expression" of imagination.

I you hear me? HATED everything Tyler the Creator, Odd Future, Frank Ocean and whatever else was seeping out their lyrics, spilling into my kids. The stuff they were saying and their thoughts were just out of line. So much so, I put my daughter in therapy. She was talking about raping dolphins and sticking fingers in people's asshole and drinking ram's blood. WTF?! She was even dropping "friends" that didn't like their music. *smh*

S/N: She didn't go into therapy because of them....but I really think when she found her voice in their music....she let it all hang out...and I had to reel her back in.

Every single time my kids got in the car they played their one day....(and yes, here is well I tell my dirty little secret) day....I was driving to the grocery store....and they left their cd in my car.....I took that shit, squeezed it in my fist and chunk the bits out the fuckin' window! (I got flows too)! So yeah, I know yall reading now you know!

So when I finally got them to calm down over the music and I guess time does heal all wounds (hahaha they were so devastated when they couldn't find their cd! hahahaha)....I finally listened. And it wasn't half bad. I'm a parent but shit, I ain't old!! And maybe it's not the content that I like....but the music, the beats....I dig.
Besides, with a few of the "big" names in the music industry, who are packaged to entertain more than I THINK their "talent" upholds *Cough!*Drake*Cough! Cough!* ....ahem.....This group ain't hurtin' anybody. Just a bunch of kids....acting a fuckin' fool....doing what kids do....*shrug* I just don't think they need to be so controversial or "out there" to make waves....because I actually think they're on to something.

And now that I've admitted, that I can tolerate their shananigans to enjoy their makes me sad. Not sad because I wanted so badly to take them all...line 'em all up and whoop ASS....but sad because there are no more FATHERS MAKING BABY BOYS to carry on the last name....HIP HOP.

What did I lose you?

Ha! I figured I would. So sit down. Let me 'splain it to you, Lucy!

Ok....check it:

Everybody knows that....well, it's at least customary that the male child carry on the family name. When he's married, the woman will then, too...inherit that name. It is the FAMILY name. Even when a woman assumes her husband's last name, for identity purposes, MANY places...most legal documents and forms, require her maiden name....again....taking it back to her father's name. Hell, even the most asked piece of verbal identity, "What's your mother's maiden name". Family names are the shit....solid and forever.

When Hip Hop was born.....Music had a MALE child.
Over time, as we watched Hip Hop grow up and marry a few rock, jazz....even stayed...Hip Hop. Early on, it fathered many male children....with songs and artists like, "Walk This Way"(Run DMC) , "Don't Believe The Hype" (Public Enemy) and "Check The Technique" (Gang Starr), maaaaannnn...I could go on and on....but like time has gone on....girls are being born. And we all know...when she get married, she's gonna take on another name....then she goes on to birth more girls...and they birth more girls.......perpetuating the dilution of HIP HOP....straying further away from the strength of the family name. *smh*

Half the shit we listen to is so BITCH MADE, you can't even call it Hip Hop. Seriously, you know how it is at family reunions, when those 4th removed cousins show up. They know absolutely nothing about the family history but after they see the greatness and POWER of the family name - now they wanna claim it. hahahaha....C'mon KNOW how that is....we all have 'em in the family. They don't even resemble the family any more...they don't carry themselves like those with the thicker bloodline. But yet, they're running around...."I'm [insert family name]"....but those truly rooted in the bloodline, are like..."whatever. No, I'm [insert family name]...You're [insert whatever]". Truth be told, if we keep going at the rate we're going, there won't be any blood left in the line...

Just as it is with Hip Hop. We have all these artists, claiming to be hip hop....but they're not. I don't know what they are...but they ain't hip hop. I was there...I grew up next door to him. I used to talk to 'em on my front porch, invited 'em to sleepovers....I know Hip Hop!
I know when my kids get to be my age and older....the shit they listen to now....who's gonna want to put on Soulja Boy, Lil Wayne, Nikki Minaj, Big Sean.....and whatever else is hot right now??
NOBODY!! Nobody in their right gotdamn mind is gonna be supermanning that hoe or giving two shits about what shade of pink will Friday be on Monday. But I can guarantee....and promise you.....put on "Self Destruction", "Me, Myself and I" or better yet...muthafuckin' "Rapper's Delight" or "The Message" and watch the party start.
THOSE are male children, still strong and rich in the bloodline. They will carry on for generations and people will always recognize them. People who may not have even had a personal relationship with 'em, will be able to just look them in the face and know the family name..."oh, that's Hip Hop". I mean, I know for me....and my family.....folks can tell...."Oh, you're a Creswell or you're a Cooks". Yep". All day, every day. But this shit today, what they're selling us called folks asking...."Who yo daddy is"?
So, while I think Odd Future is holding their own, minus their fuckery (which sometimes is actually pretty damn funny)....more girls have been born.
With this being today sucks donkey balls...
And of know how I feel about what I've said. Go a'head...

quote me if you like.....

Friday, March 2, 2012

You Got It Going On....wha wha!!


Kim, baby....where'd you go?  Who did this to you?

Back in 1990whatever....when she first hit the scene, I was like...."Yeah! That's what's up"!  Little Kim was hero.  Feisty, hardcore, sassy, sexy and SHORT!  I was freshly out of high school and not that I was lacking any self confidence but....yeah....I got teased a lot about being short and people would underestimate my "bite", if you will.  So when Kim came on the scene, as hard as she was....holding her own,  folks weren't so quick to size me up. (((insert palm punch)))

WHAT HAPPENED???  Why is she nipped, tucked and beat the fuck up?  She took herself out of the game.  I was so disturbed by that whole Nikki Minaj beefing segment recently.  I felt like it was beneath the caliber of who Lil Kim was....what she used to be.  Frankly, I don't know how there was ever any comparison between the two because they are CLEARLY two different was like comparing apples to oranges. You either like one or the other, maybe even prefer one more but neither one is "wrong". 

But when I see Kim looking like Putty Patty Pancake face, it makes me feel like....maybe she thinks she's losing or she has something to prove. Nah, Mama.....
This is when you PROVED it!

I understand wanting to correct an imperfection or two....but when you no longer resemble yourself....suntin' suntin' juss not riiiiiiggghhht!  I've had cosmetic surgery and it was probably the most excruciating pain I have EVER experienced in my life so that alone makes me amazed that people like Kim, Michael Jackson, Vivica A. Fox and many other celebs continue to hack away at themselves. Do we really hate ourselves that much??

I believe that cosmetic surgery can become addictive.  You get one thing done then you get another thing done and every time you go in, you see something else that could stand to be pulled and tugged.  It'll just keep going and going until you look like this:

I won't even front...I've thought about getting a breast lift, Brazilian butt lift and getting lipo on my inner thighs. I've had the consultations and everything.  But at the end of the day and everyday, I get older and everything is getting older too and gonna fall, eventually.  I don't intend on chasing after it with a knife every other year.  

And where do they get the "look" that they're going for?  hahahaha I mean, I know looking at these faces I wouldn't one of these.  hahahahahaha....
"Yes, doctor....give me the smallest, pointiest chin you have and slip hard boiled eggs under my eyes for cheekbones.....ahhhhh....Alien.....Perfect!  Ohhh....yuck, take this nose! I don't need that thing!"
We've got to learn to love who we are and if it's not what we want it to least embrace it enough to appreciate it.  I'd be a hypocrite to say, "don't get cosmetic surgery" but we gotta learn when to stop.

This was hot:

This is not!!

What did Biggie Say??
"Tryin' get that old thing back...."

too late....
and you can quote me if you like!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


It's not nice to call somebody a dumb ass to their face, right?  Well, I guess I'll do it more privately and post it up on the internet:

Really???  Really?

Like what was the motivation behind this?  I guess he gives the meaning to "Put your money where your mouth is"? But doesn't that mean being wholly invested in a cause....a full support???  So what the hell is he supporting?  DUMBFUCKOLOGY???  He CAN NOT have any desire to be more than what he is....and I'm hoping whatever that IS does not include the title "father".  *smh*

Oh go straight to hell with me if you think I'm passing judgement.  I think it's p r e t t y fucking safe to say...this jackass is an i'gnant sommomobatch.... If being prejudice or racially profiling should ever exist, here is the reason why! He alone set back ANY advancement of colored people.   I have tattoos (LOTS OF 'EM) but I also have a job!  Why? Because as a person with ambition and desire to support myself and my family, I have the brain to understand that my personal life should never spill over into my professional life.  WHERE IS HIS MAMA??

I mean, to each his own but some shit is just ridiculous....and painfully permanent.  When he walked into the tattoo shop.....or sat down at the kitchen table to "consult with his tattoo dude"....the tattoo dude didn't think for one second to say....."yo, that's not a good look"?  No?  I'm not my brother's keeper, huh?  None of that, right?

As a person, that love tattoos and all things ART.....I find this extremely disturbing.  Like I wanna really just go up to him and slap the shit outta him!!!  I wanna slap him to where my fingertips sting, throb and feel all prickly. I wanted to help him by saying...this was his first tattoo....but OBVIOUSLY....this isn't his first tattoo.  I'm willing to say.....maybe our first tattoos aren't the most thought out tattoo. We're just excited to finally get inked.   That's fair right?  I mean, I know my first tattoo....pretty good quality...but it's a heart and a rose with MY name in a banner. Yeah, like I'm gonna forget my name, right?  Wasn't the brightest....and I can admit that.  But it's also not BLAZING for all to see the capacity of my 18 year old imagination.  I've grown up since then.....give me some credit.

So here's my public service announcement:

"Hey, you!  Dumbass!  Check this out....Before you go to Lil Skeet up the block, that just got outta juvy to get your tattoo, make sure that mothafucka knows what he's doing....and remember one day, you may not like Sponge Bob, Captain America, or even your baby mama/baby daddy.  Yes, it's permanent.....much like your spot in the unemployment line because you inked "FREE MY N*GGA BOOSIE* on your forehead.  I wish I could tell you that your tattoo dude has your best interest but if you're only paying $20 - chances are.....he just wants your money and don't give a shit about this commitment.  You really do get what you pay at least pay attention to the implications of what this masterpiece can hold in the future.  But hey....who am I? *shrug*  Yo' dumbass is gonna do what you wanna do....YOLO!"

Bet they're not feeling the love right about now!
 No matter how we slice it....dumb is fucking dumb is fucking dumb...

So, have we learned anything boys and girls???
oh......quote me if you like.....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tell me why you mad, bruh?!?

*Tapping the mic*


Is this thing on?

*feedback screeches*

Ok, good.  Thank you for joining me today.  I know it's been a few days but I've been brewing on this rant for a while and finally....let the records show:

WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK about Chris & Rihanna getting back together (allegedly, right)?

First of all, as I stated before about celebrities....these are just people, who's career (you know,  a work....that verb that pays bills, put food on the table and clothes on our backs)....but they eat, sleep, shit...just like you and me.  But again, because they are "celebrities" and because obviously we have nothing better to do with our own lives but be concerned with what's going on in theirs....we keep employed stalkers, that we call "paparazzi" to hide in bushes, zip-line from tree to tree, emerge out of toilets - just to catch what's hot and happening.

Secondly, are you surprised?  I mean, really?  

There is NO reason why ANYbody should hate on Chris if Rihanna is over it.  *shrug*  I have been the witness to many, many "domestic violence" events to have learned that no matter how many interventions family and/or friends provide....they ALWAYS go back.  Always.  It may take a few beat downs before the "victim" takes all that they can take but nonetheless....they go back.  As you may have noticed, I'm not saying "she"....because men can be abused as well. Unfortunately gender stereotypes say that if a man lets a woman hit on him....he's a punk but if a man hits on a woman....she's a victim.  And by "man law" can't be a punk! Heavens forbid letting the "weaker" sex to be taxin' that ass....MAN UP!  So that means, no crying, no telling, no with it.  Sooooo, with that being said, we get men who chop up their wives.  What??? You can't expect a person to just bottle up years and years of abuse and expect them not to snap. One way or'll come out.  You can't make somebody leave a bad matter how much you appeal to their intellect or reason with good sense....just like drugs and all other bad things that "take hold"'s up to the individual to let go.  

It's been what? 3 years since their fight?  GTFOH! Folks gettin' smacked down on a daily and do we see those headlining our newspapers?? We get a month to bring light to domestic violence, help and prevention.  ABUSE happens daily!  When are they gonna start cracking down more vehemently on these "cam phone" fights that have taken over the internet?  Every single one that's uploaded, everybody involved should suffer some consequence....every last one. Don't just go after the ones that get the most hits (pardon the pun). 

Bottomline is this....leave Chris Brown alone.  He took the punishment handed to him for his involvement....he won a Grammy and all is fair in the world.  

If you disagree with and have put your foot down about Chris Brown....don't listen to his music, don't watch him on tv, don't go getting all in a tizzy about his daily activity because people still enjoy his talents and he's just trying to make a living at it.  But the more you rant about how much of a monster he is....the paparazzi's gonna keep feeding you his business....keeping him in the news....keeping him relevant. Duh?!
Why y'all not mad at Ri Ri??  Y'all came to her rescue and she's the one that went back! hahahaha....Look how happy she her boo back! hahahahaha....
I like Chris Brown...and I enjoy his music. ALOT.  But I don't see what made him and Rihanna any different than other celebrities that were reported to have been in physical altercations with their significant others.  *shrug*  

I don't think any man should ever have to hit a woman....we are just built that men are (well, generally) physically stronger than women.  So, a dude could restrain a female, without serving a two piece.  HOWEVER.....women need to understand...."do unto others as you would have things done unto you"! 

So for anybody, that may be in a domestic violence situation or knows someone who is....GET HELP! (link to it!)
  1. One in four women (25%) has experienced domestic violence in her lifetime.
  2. Roughly 300,000 to 400,000 men are treated violently by their wife or girl friend.

Oh!  Chris and Ri-Ri wanted you guys to know what they think about what you all have to say can quote me if you like!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Shameful is....what shameful does....

Most of us, are guilty of making and laughing at the jokes we heard about Whitney.  I'll admit....I laughed. Most of us tuned in week after week for our dose of humor from their reality show, "Being Bobby Brown".  You just never knew what antics and stunts the Brown family would pull.  You just never knew but you knew they would!  And each week, they never let us down.  Yelling and screaming at each other.  Making spectacles in public...odd behaviors and whatever else they could come up with, they didn't hold back.  Some of you may think I'm being insensitive right now, that I'm speaking so freely about "the train wreck" we tuned in to witness week after week.  Maybe I watched because Bobby reminded me so much of my own brother and his erratic, comical behavior....I don't know *shrug*....but I watched.   But here is where I get up on my soapbox....

SOMEBODY'S AUNT has died!!

And people are still tuning in for the train wreck!  So....*MIDDLE FINGER in ABUNDANCE* for you all!!

It was almost immediate that EVERYBODY assumed it was drug related. *smh*  DESPITE her troubles, did she not deserve the respect and consideration that maybe it had NOTHING to do with drugs? No??  Are we so insenstive and so ALL KNOWING, that we....WE....this selfish, celebrity news hungry, reality show watching, insecure, low self esteemed ass society can't even give her the benefit of  It goes SO far passed what killed her....because at the end of the day.....she's gone.

Excuse me...Yeah I said it!  SELFISH, INSECURE, LOW SELF ESTEEM SOCIETY!!  We care SO much about the drama, who's wearing what...who sleeping with whom....who's strung out....who's dishing the best gossip.  We build people up to tear them down. Maybe if we spent more time caring about just people in general, caring about ourselves and our OWN front lawns...maybe these celebrities could live somewhat of normal lives and not lean so much on drugs to charge them up so they can give US what we need....and drugs to take them down so they can get what they need.....sleep, peace and quiet or an escape.

My son called me to tell me when the news broke.  I thought, again..."Here we go with the jokes".  I told him "It's not funny".  And I scolded him for telling "this horrible joke".  He got a little defensive because he couldn't connect to why it wasn't funny....and as he said "it ain't like you knew her".  Yeah, I expect this from a kid, who didn't grow up listening to her music.  Who didn't get a chance to "know" Whitney Houston before things got bad.  So all he knew was the "sick" Whitney...and the jokes that surrounded her.  Yeah, I expect that from a kid but this was a common sentiment that I saw when I logged on to Facebook and read comments posted by people under the multitude of articles and her videos on youtube.  It seems as though, there is this belief that a person (or people) can't be affected by the death of a celebrity.

Well, why not? ?

Because she didn't know you all, individually by name?  Because she didn't know your favorite colors?  Well, she didn't become a celebrity alone!  You made her!  You loved her listened to her music over the cared enough to tune in to watch her when she performed on television. You welcomed her with open arms when Clive Davis presented her to you!  You EVEN cared enough about her that you were hungry for the latest gossip concerning her addictions. You craved the photos of her disheveled and wildin' out.  You cared enough to talk about her, make jokes about her, to follow her EVERY move. You loved her so much, you're still blaming Bobby for her downfall! YOU employ the paparizzi! Yet, you want to tell people to get over it., "I'm not surprised" replies and you don't see why others are sharing her videos...or linking articles about the developing story of all the "what happened" theories.  Is that what we do, when they no longer "fit" the mold, we disassociate ourselves and throw them to the wolves?  Shame on you.

As a fan, it broke my heart to watch her decline and even more to hear of her death.  And you're right, like I said, I did laugh at jokes.  Hell, my father was a drug addict.  I laughed and joked at his ass too!! But how  I THANK GOD - even to this day, for the sobriety that he mastered.  When he "came back to life", NONE of the things that he did during his drugged up days mattered to me.  All that mattered is that I had my daddy back!  So when he passed away, nothing of his past haunted his memory.  He was remembered for the person that he was.  WHY is that so hard for people to do for Whitney? I wanted soberity for Whitney. I want the same for everybody with addictions.   Whenever there was good press of her "cleaning up", yes...I shared those moments too!  It would make me happy to see her trying.  When she finally became pregnant with Bobbi Kristina...who wasn't happy for her?  I know I was.  "I'm Every Woman" ???  Everybody loved the glowing face, the swollen belly....the healthy Whitney.  So now I ask, did you really love her?

This isn't just about WHITNEY HOUSTON.  This is about Michael Jackson, Etta James, Amy Winehouse, Marvin Gaye, Heavy D and all the other celebrities that have sacrificed their privacy and just basic human needs for our entertainment. No, I may NOT  know this family personally but they're human and they shared their life with me.  I pray for this family....this family of HUMAN BEINGS with REAL feelings, REAL faults, REAL triumphs, REAL happiness and REAL sadness.  I pray for the child that lost her mother and the mother that lost her child.

Rest in Peace, Whitney.....

And you can definitely quote me....if you like!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just Letting it Flow.....


I'm back.  You guys, I'm really trying to kick my ass into gear cuz I'm getting older and even tho' I am THANKFUL....THANKFUL for my job, I'm bored out of my mind! There are a million and 8 things I'd rather be doing than being at work or at least....this work.  Alas, it is WHAT it is....and while I'm here................Imma just keep playing online and blogging, hoping I don't get caught....ooops! hold on a minute.....

*minimizing screen*

Ok....I'm back.  (<---- that's me living on the edge! The danger turns me on! hahahahaha!)

What???  I get my work done.  I just doesn't take a brain surgeon or all day to do the work I do.  *shrug*  What I do, does matter to somebody....but right now....for me.....the brighter side of this situation is that I've learned how to speed type and work this keyboard out!  hahahahahaha....hey, I'm always looking for the silver lining....

So yesterday, I was talking to my mom about this.....just venting about how I never thought I'd  I thought I'd be doing something else.  I want to do something else....and then she asked me "what do you want to do"?  I wish I could write.  That's what I want to do.  I want my words and ideas to reach hundreds, thousands...millions of people.  That's what I do...That's what I like. I wanna be "somebody".  I wanna be "important"!
I'll be glad when I can start writing again....when I'm at home!  I won't have to sneak around, like I'm hiding my lover, hoping not to get caught by "THE MAN".  hahahaha!

I can just be free and let the words, thoughts and images flow....just let it flow....

Speaking of flow....

Did y'all see the pictures of Christina Aguilera at Etta James' funeral?

No bueno.

Now, this is where I climb up on my soapbox.  I couldn't have been more disgusted with what the media (reporters, photogs, news channels) felt was newsworthy for the day.

*grabbing my step stool*

First of all, that was suppose to be ALL ABOUT ETTA! I'm a bit pissed she didn't get the fanfare/farewell, I think....she deserved!

Secondly, Christina sang THEE hell out of "At Last"!  Y'all can say whatever y'all wanna say....but that girl's got pipes! And for a moment I did think...."she over singing this song"....but she can sing.....let's talk about that!

Thirdly,.......what?......oh...I haven't told y'all what I'm bitchin' about, huh?  Well, it appears that Christina had a female accident while she was on stage.  Aunt Flow was running right on down her legs.  Yeah, looked like a massacre....but a female....the shit happens to the best of us!  I would have been mortified....which I know she was.....but damn!  Do we need news articles about it???  In response, to all the buzz...her people said it was spray on tanner that was streaking down....but look at my face....--->

*get oddah here*

It just REALLY grinds my gears that if it's not murder, some world destruction, Beyonce's baby or now....a menstrual mishap it ain't news.  I'm glad I have the freedom of expression....otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this right now....but really??  I wanna hear about her period?  I've got my own to keep up with....who gives a fat rat's ass that she didn't get the ones with wings!

OMG! hahahahahaha! Sorry, Chris....but "They're all gonna laugh at you! They're all gonna laugh at you!"  is so loud in my head right now.

Ok ok....*focus*..... what I'm saying is.....why do we care? Isn't this an election year? Shouldn't we be concerned about making an informed decision with our Presidential vote? Shouldn't we be concerned with the good news of the day....or what changes can we make or help to make in our communities? Maybe it's just me....maybe I'm just fed up for myself....cuz obviously it's an audience for this shit....otherwise, it wouldn't be news, right?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oh!!! Shut the hell up....damn!

Hey yall!
I'm really trying to get back into my blogs, writing and whatever.....gotta exercise my skill to keep it fresh, so it'll be easy to get that novel done one day. You know what they say, "Use it or lose it". Yeah, so I've got that sweet jewelry blog doing it's thing over there - with one amazing follower....just like this one...AND! It's not the same person, ha!....HELL YEAH! That's what's up....a lil' bit.

I didn't want to have all these blogs going on but I can't vent over there or talk about just random thoughts I is! So listen....

Well, needed to get some shit off my chest. I have been watching and listening....and everything....and finally, I'm just pretty much over it. I don't know what else to do or who I can talk to about it....but I have officially taken all I can take and I can't takes NO MO!

I'm SICK AND TIRED OF NATURAL HAIR videos, blogs, journeys, length checks....and all things associated with rocking natural hair! *exhale* These heifahs jumping in showers fully dressed just to wet their hair to show "us" how long their hair has grown in 10 days....
"Look what I look like with 2 strand twists"...."look at my 2 strand twist out"! Blah! Blah! Blah!

So frikkin' what, dude! Who gives a shit? And honestly....after a couple of days and depending on how nappy your hair is....2 strands or all looks the same. really does.

There, I said got a problem?

I mean, don't get me wrong. I was excited to go natural but the shit scared the daylights out of me if I could be so honest. I hadn't seen my "natural hair" since 3rd grade and now....what....8 years in...maybe a little bit longer....I'm liberated from scalp burns, expensive ass weaves and bad hair I get's a wonderful feeling. And yes, I do encourage my friends that want to do the natural thing....I say, "Girl, go for it"! I'm just done with the whole nappy headed "intellectualization" (what? You've never heard that word before?) ! I've had long hair, short hair, straight hair, weaved hair, braided hair, natural hair, afro hair, permed hair....I've done it all. It's not that serious....

I've watched these videos and yes....I've learned some homemade concoctions and some hairstyles that I think are fly....but for the most part....WHATS THE BIG DEAL? A lot of them talk like they have a doctorate in this shit....and they don't. Why???? ITS JUST FUCKING HAIR!!! Geesh! I can't tell you how many videos I've seen where they've mispronounced words trying to sound all official...hahahaha....or they're trying to give reviews or whatever and they just make no sense; just sitting there, rambling about nothing.....oh! and then you've got the clit suckahs that stay riding the bra strap of the more popular natural "queens"....hahahaha *throwin' a shoe* get oddah here!! hahaha!

But what I've noticed.....they all have one goal...."look how long my hair is" *smh*
Are we still stuck on that??? I thought we stopped putting bath towels on our heads pretending to have long cascading hair like when we were 5 years old. No? We still aspire for long flowing hair? Okay, so you're not perming your hair, taking better care of it and you've let it grows even after your dead, what? I think somewhere...inside...amongst all the pomades and jojoba oils some of y'all still....STILL define beauty to a European standard. WHO ever said hair had to be long to be beautiful?

I think when I really got fed up with this whole thing....I watched a video of a "guru", I've seen her videos before....and her hair has grown A LOT since the first time I've seen her...beautiful healthy hair....but she is annoying as fuck! There's nothing I want to learn from her because she's sue me. *shrug* But I landed back up on her youtube....and I noticed how "refined" she had become.....hahahaha and I tried hard to find a video of her way back when....found one....and booooyyy....hear me when I tell you.....YouTube is breeding Kardashians! (that would imply creating "celebrities" out of popularity, not talent). Then! This is what sent me into a frenzy... as a suggested video somebody did a video why this trick was better than "us". HAHAHAHAHA! What?? *throwing my other shoe* Get oddah here!

ooohhhh boy....and there is so much drama with these nappy headed's too much. I just sit back and watch them throw stones at each other. Oh so what! Cat fights are highly entertaining! But you know - it just further makes me question will African American people....more specifically - AfAm. women always find a reason to hate each other? Will we always measure ourselves to others? When do we just say..."hey, she's fly...I like her style" without downing ourselves or picking sides? If she's rocking a good weave and lathering no lye relaxer all over her body like lotion....and she looks good....why can't she be just as good as or as beautiful as Miss Olive Oil and flax seeds?

Look, I'm trying not to be a hypocrite about this whole subject....cuz there are some other issues I have with this whole natural vs. chemicals that I need to discuss later. I mean, at one point I thought long hair made you prettier too (hey, I had serious esteem issues when I was growing up)....and before I went natural, a bad hair day sent me spiraling down into the bowels of hell! However, truth be told, no matter what length your hair matter what texture it is....if you're fucked up on the inside....I really don't care how it looks on the outside and up top.

So get over it!

To think, all this fuss....and it's ONLY HAIR.

Oh, by the way.....Quote Me If You Like....

*S/N....just in case you're wondering.....I have locs....nearly to my waist. When wet!* hahahahahaha!